i was eight years old at the time. My father took my older brother Tim and me sailing in a 14 1/2-foot Klepper Passat - a German rubber skinned sailboat with a mahogany frame - on Lake Superior. High winds, large waves and limited sailing experience led to a harrowing day and night stranded on the lake they call Gitche Gumee. Our sails were down and we were rapidly drifting out to sea. If not for the skill, courage and bravery of three Porcupine Mountain State Park Rangers, we surely would have perished.
My mother reported us missing several hours after we failed to return on time. Park Manager Dave Balbaugh, Assistant Park Superintendent John Kesot and Park Mechanic Arnold "Andy" Anderson then went to work. First they drove up to a lookout in the park and using a 10x to 30x zoom telescope, spotted the mast of our tiny boat on the horizon about five miles out and slightly west of the park.
Local newspaper reports from the day report what happened next:
"The three took the park boat and went out into Lake Superior to find the lost craft, but it was nowhere in sight. The park crew spotted a boat with fishermen that told them they had seen the boat which was barely visible, about five to six miles offshore and about seven miles east.
It was approximately 7 p.m. before the rescue boat reached them. The two boys, 8-year-old Peter and 12-year-old Tim, were taken aboard the park boat, but their dad remained aboard his craft as it was being towed in.
Unfortunately, the seas got too heavy and the Wilt boat filled up with water and capsized. Dr. Wilt, who was wearing a life jacket, was then taken from the water into the park boat. The rescue crew then returned to the park dock, arriving around 9:30 p.m."
It was a life changing event for my dad, brother and me. It forced us to appreciate the precious gift life is. Every August 12th thereafter, no matter where we are, we get ahold of each other and remember that day. Together and separately, we also started to return to the site on several of the anniversaries. Tim was the first to return to the Porkies. i think it was on the 15th Anniversary. My wife and i made the pilgrimage on the 20th Anniversary. Then i went again on the 25th Anniversary. It was on that excursion that i dug through the local newspaper archives to find the names of the rangers and went to the State Park welcome center to track them down, so that i could thank them personally.
i was told that Superintendent Balbaugh had passed away a few years back, John was retired and travelling the country in a motor home and Andy was retired and living in nearby Silver City.
The phone book in the Silver City General Store listed an "A Anderson" on Michigan State Highway 64. i drove to the address and parked my car on the edge of the highway. i then walked up a long gravel drive and found an elderly gentleman working in a garden:
Me: "Are you Andy Anderson?"
Andy: "Yes i am. How can i help you?"
Me: "Well you already have. 25 years ago today, you saved my life and i just wanted to say 'Thank you',"
Andy: "Are you the young Wilt boy!?!"
Me: "Yes i am"
Andy yelling to his wife: "Honey, we have a visitor. Bring out a couple of beers!"
Andy and i had a great afternoon drinking Grainbelt Premium beer and recalling that day as if it were yesterday. He put me in touch with John and we all exchanged Christmas cards for years afterward.
My whole family returned to Porcupine Mountain State Park on the 30th anniversary and we had a very nice final reunion with Andy who passed away a couple years later.
Though John and i kept in touch via Christmas cards, we never reunited until December of 2006. He was 90 years old and living in a senior home in Camden, Tennessee. While visiting my nephew and Godson Evan Darger at Southern Illinois University we decided to make a road trip to visit John and thank him in person.
His daughter and son-in-law helped make the arrangements. We had a great visit with John at his apartment and we told him we'd like to take him to lunch anywhere he wanted. John chose Pizza Hut. His daughter arranged to have the local paper join us and they wrote a nice article about the reunion.
John died a couple months ago. On his obituary page's guest book i wrote:
"My family and i mourn John's passing as we celebrate his life. His heroic actions on Lake Superior on August 12, 1968 gave my father, brother and me another chance at life. Reconnecting with him last year allowed me to see that he was as good and kind a man as he was courageous. We are forever grateful to John for saving our lives, while risking his own. God bless you and keep you."
John was the last surviving of the three brave rangers that i owe my life to.
Yesterday i found a box on our doorstep from John's daughter. Inside was an invitation to John's upcoming memorial service in Cheboygan, Michigan, a personal note and a special gift.
In part, the note read:
"Hello Folks,
You gave us the excellent idea of the "Life Celebration" we daughters are holding for my parents.
Please also accept dad's telescope that he said he used to spot you folks that day on the water. I could not think of anyone more fitting than for you to have it...

God bless you John
Damn you Peter. Now I'm gonna have to pretend I "have some dust in my eye" so my co-workers don't think I'm nuts. A beautiful story. Thanks for sharing.
RIP Mr. Balbaugh
RIP Mr. Anderson
RIP Mr. Kesot
No kidding. Powerful stuff Peter. Karma gives back.
Hooray for brave Yoopers!
That was very touching Peter. Reading it has salvaged the day from being one about being disgruntled at work to being about appreciating life, and the many great people we meet on the way.
Peter: Thanks for sharing this wonderful story. I commend you for taking the time to thank those responsible for saving your life. It serves as a reminder to thank those who have made my life as wonderful as it is - most of whom I see every day.
You are a blessed man.
Dust in my eye here as well. Peter great story.
God Bless You Peter. For always remembering those who gave you an extended time on this planet. It is a super rememnder to all of us that we all owe others for, not only life, but the good things we enjoy throughout our lives, and the freedom given to us by those who serve each and every day in our military. Thank God for those individuals. RIP ALL WHO HAVE "FLOWN WEST" before us.
I am very interested in the story of John F. Kesot. The name is rare. You mention you corresponded with him for many many years. I think I am related to him, likely a grand neice. Please contact me: Donna Kesot. I can be reached on Facebook.
Thank you for publishing your story.
Donna M. Kesot
To give and then not feel that one has given is the very best of all ways of giving. Keep it up Nice blog.
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